Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Does Indy Need a Casino for Property Tax Relief?

The silence of our legislative leaders concerning the property tax problem gives me the uneasy feeling that they do not have a politically viable solution. When they do talk, all you hear is that "It needs more study" or "All ideas are on the table". Gibberish. They don't want to change anything.

One idea that was proposed last year by Mayor Peterson was to install tabbing machines in Union Station. That' Hoosier-talk for slot machines. I'm not sure he really wanted them in the downtown area. He was actually trying to get the legislature to give the city the power to increase local income taxes (which happened) and to consolidate all of the police and fire departments in Marion County (still trying), and he knew the Pat Bauer's and the Brian Bosma's would want to throw something out. The tabbing machines were not allowed in Indianapolis, but they did put them at the horse tracks in Anderson and Shelbyville. That was OK with everyone since most Hoosiers don't know how to get to either place.

However, a casino in Union Station is an interesting idea. It sits right in the middle of the hotels, restaurants, bars, convention center, Circle Center Mall, and both of our domes(one for the Colts to play in and one to hold Irsay's cash). It is an historic landmark that could be better utilized. It would bring in a completely new stream of revenue while filling up the the very establishments that are generating the tax revenue the city so disparately needs.

I'm sure it will attract a different type of crowd, but wouldn't you rather see someone else pay for our leader's reckless spending? I'll bet you would.


Anonymous said...

Interesting idea. It definitely beats driving up to Gary and going down to southern Indiana. I'm just not sure I'd want all the baggage that comes with casinos. But I'd vote for it if they could go higher end with it - the ones in Gary just make me depressed.

terry said...

They have casinos in Monaco and the rich and famous all go there. Maybe we could get Princess Stephanie to do the grand opening!!