Monday, March 17, 2008

Ten Rules to Live By According to Julie & AskIndyTed

1) If you drink, do not drive. Take a cab.
2) Do not jump on trampolines unless you are employed by Ringling Brothers Circus.
3) Do not ride on motorcycles even if you are sober.
4) If you are married, be faithful. If you're Eliot Spitzer, you're history.
5) Pay your bills on time. Credit is a wonderful thing when it is used properly.
6) If you treat the ladies nice, they'll treat you nice.
7) If no one likes you, get a dog. They will love you unconditionally.
8) If you don't care if anyone likes you, get a cat.
9) When you are having a lousy day, donate blood. It sounds gross, but you'll feel better having helped someone else.
10)Winter in Indiana sucks!

1 comment:

Julie Meek said...

Teddy forgot one which is:
Don't buy gas and food in the same place!