Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bigger is not Necessarily Better

I need to make a confession. I went to the "Oil Can" or the "Luke" for the first NFL regular season game for the Colts. My bro called at the last minute with a ticket and I was "weak".

I have to admit that upon walking up to the structure, I was a bit awed at how immense it was. In terms of sheer mass, it is the largest building I have ever seen up close. When I stepped inside, it was like walking through the back of the wardrobe in "The Chronicles of Narnia" except that it was full of rednecks instead of turtlenecks. Anyway, it was HUGE!

However, after I slapped my lower jaw back into place, I began to see what was not so wonderful about Indy's new $720 million boondoggle:
1)Finding my seat (which are all biggie-sized to accommodate the average Colts' fan) was not easy. I should have left a trail of bread crumbs to find my way out.
2)I noticed the players were smaller. Actually, they are twice as far away as in the RCA Dome. I could barely see the numbers and I was only half way up in the stands. 3)The men's room was not meeting capacity, as there was a long line vs. no line for the women. The architect must have been a chick with a small bladder.
4)Fan noise was less due to the roof being open but it did not seem to affect the sound level of the commercials that were blasted during timeouts. Conversation was nearly impossible.

Plus, the Colts got their butts kicked 29-13. On the plus side, I did get a inaugural game souvenir cup. I'm putting it on Ebay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Indy Ted -

Rox and I attended the Kenny Chesney concert at the Gotham Stadium. The acoustics suck. Midway thru the performances they opened the roof and you would have thought Jesus was coming back the way that crowd roared. Keep it coming Ted!
