Monday, September 22, 2008

Michael Bloomberg for Dictator of the U.S.A.

Calm down. I haven't totally flipped out-yet. However, I had the pleasure of watching Michael Bloomberg being interviewed on "Meet the Press". I was quite impressed with his grasp of the current financial crisis. He gets it. You ask, what makes him so smart?

It's not that he is smarter than everyone. There are a lot of smart people in Washington, DC. However, unlike most of our elected officials, he is virtually unaffected by special interests. He's rich and he doesn't need their money. Hence, he can speak his mind and tell it like it is.

As for the dictator part, I really like democracy with the checks and balances in our government, but congress has sold out. They need to get out of the way.

Check out the interview (after the frigging commercial).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Ted, I think that they should pay Senators 1.5 mil,and Congressman 1.0. But not get another dime for speeches, trips, spousal board of directors, etc. It's bullshit that all these guys are millionaires and haven't had a paycheck for more than $300,000 in their lives. Dirty money distorts judgement.