Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Three Things That Went "Thud" Last Week

There were three events last week that all made a resounding "THUD". One was O.J. Simpson's jaw as the jury read the verdict "Guilty" even if it was thirteen years late.

Second was Chicago baseball. You never expect the White Sox to do much. They actually win a series every fifty years. But, the Cubbies just can't finish a season. They broke my heart in 1969 and I will never forgive them. I haven't been able to watch an entire game since. They suck!

Third, were my retirement accounts. I do not know if the next Great Depression is at our doorstep, but it doesn't look promising. When I purchased my first car in 1966, it was better looking than it actually ran, much like the economy in 2007. My car required a quart of oil every week to keep running just like our economy needed sub-prime mortgages to maintain growth. Since I was in school and had very little income I was soon driving on four bald tires with no spare just like the economy was living on low-interest-rate adjustable mortgages with no chance of ever being repaid.

Well, the good Lord must have been watching over me. I didn't crash or even have the first flat tire for nearly three years. I eventually purchased a new car. Our economy has not been quite as fortunate and it has more than a flat tire and a sick engine. It's hemorrhaging and we can't find the bleeder. I even heard Jim Cramer of CNBC's "Mad Money" last night telling the world to salt away enough cash to last the next five years. How long was the last depression?

Anyway, when I was young, my only fears were being told "No!" when I asked a girl for a date and flunking out of college and getting drafted. Now, I'm too old to be drafted and since I've been married 34 years, "No" has a completely different meaning.

I think I'll just stop reading the newspaper and enjoy my grandchildren.

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