Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two Good Things for Tough Times

There was a bunch of miserable news today and there is no reason to repeat it here.

However, my day started wonderfully and ended on a rather high visual note. I woke up this morning around 5:30AM with a plan to get an early start to work in Terrible Haute. That wasn't the highlight.

While lying in bed trying to wake up, my sweetie took hold of my hand. Then she rubbed my head. Then she held me and.....I got up for my shower. Hey, I'm 58 and she is getting chemo. We need to pace ourselves! But, it was a very nice and very quick hour just lying there with my Valentine. Hint, hint, just in case you forgot...get it in gear for your sweetie.

The rest of my day was a drag. it was the kind of day you would expect on the eve of the next Great Depression, thanks to all of the irresponsible money-grubbing low-life's that collect bonuses in the name of capitalism. Maybe Karl Marx was onto something.

Not to be totally discouraged, I arrived home to take my loyal dog, Wrigley, out for his daily constitutional, when I saw today's mail. It was the annual, just-after-the-Super Bowl, what-makes-the-winter-warmer, undeniably the best issue of print in the free world-The SI Swimsuit Issue! And, after inspecting it for editorial integrity, it is an all-time, hubba-hubba issue. My goodness, are there really that many girls that really look like that? There aren't in Indiana-except for one.

That would be the girl I met 37 years ago and she was rubbing my head this morning.


Unknown said...

Aww how sweet. Besides who needs fluff when you have a real gem in your life! Praying your days get brighter!

Anonymous said...

I'm hooked, Ted. Your writing style and honesty are magnetic! Betsy