Monday, March 23, 2009

Where's Bert?

And by the way, just who in Heaven's name is Bert? Heaven is not where she is from, but it is where she is going. I have the privilege of knowing Bert through my work...she is a customer of mine, working to order supplies for Indiana's maximum security prison near Terre Haute, Indiana.

Bert reminds me of the angel in "It's a Wonderful Life". Remember Jimmy Stewart trying to solve everyone's troubles and helping anyone who was going through a tough time? Well, he was merely a human and he needed help. That is when the "Big Guy" sent an awkward angel down to earth to give Jimmy a hand. The angel was trying to earn his wings and do you remember how you knew an angel had earned its wings? It was whenever you heard a bell ring.

The difference is Bert just wants to help for the pure joy of helping others. If you looked up "Christian" in Webster's Dictionary, you would see Bert's picture. She defines what it is to be unselfish. She always thinks of others before herself. Why? She's a Christian. I'd like to say there is more to it than that, but there isn't. She just has the most steadfast faith and expresses it with all of her heart.

As for me, I am one lucky person. You see, Bert has prayed for me, my wife, my grandchildren, and countless others. What a blessing. Oh, just by coincidence, Bert's last name is Bell.

We miss your comments, Bert. They lift everyone who reads them.


Unknown said...

My Beloved Meeks, like Daddy, I haven't forgotten or forsaken any of you. I still am in the wings praying and cheering each and everyone of you on. I have been busy in the physical realm with my job but in the spirit realm I am at Daddy's feet talking to Him about each and everyone of you. But I still take a brief moment to peep into each one of your blogs, to see what the prayer focus of the day is....or just to share in your daily triumphs. Be blessed my beloved Meeks...Daddy & I love each and everyone of you very much!

Big Mar said...

Thanks to both you and Bert Bell for humor and inspiration. You guys both make my day better.
Take care, blessings on both of you.

Anonymous said...

I got the answer last week at Jason's open house but it's good to see that you wanted the rest of the blog-followers to know who Bert is. SHE is not a HE like I had thought!