Thursday, October 4, 2007

Women and What They Taught Me

Men are mentally disabled. That's why God created a woman-to keep us that way.

Hey, I'm kidding!

So, what have I learned and from who?

*My Mom-My birthday was the most special day of the year. At least, until Joe was born. When I asked her why he got everything I ever asked for she told me, "I was tired". I now know what she meant.

*Mrs. McGrath, my 6th grade math teacher, taught us that school was a serious place.
She was also a great teacher.

*Karen S. was my first kiss.

*Kandi K.(that's her real name) was the first person I knew who had emotional pain. Up to that point, I thought Beaver Cleaver was troubled.

*Joan W. was the first girl who drove me away by being nice. That's an interesting phenomena I still do not understand about men.

*Pat M. left me for a Purdue man. That was totally humiliating. Big mistake!

*Mary D. was the unfortunate person who knew me at my peak of being a very immature knucklehead who thought he had it all figured out. Is it too late to apologize?

*Helen L. showed me you can recover from anything including "that Guy Doyal".

*Brooke K. has made me aware that I still need more training.

*Julie L. found me and I found her and we've been in love ever since. We're so very lucky to have each other.

May all single men be as fortunate as me.


Anonymous said...

Nice "playing to the home crowd" there at the end, but you came off a little "whippped" if you ask me.......

And I can't imagine getting dumped for a Boiler.....that's a tough one to bounce back from.

Anonymous said...

And am I picking up on some resentment of your little brother? Seems to be a common theme through the last few emails. I'm ranked last in the Frey Family Power Rankings and I just choose to embrace it.

It's tough, and I feel your pain, Big Guy.

Unknown said...

There's nothing wrong with being dumped by a Boiler...